“Ne Cliquez Pas”, the cyber TV show by ZENDATA

Since its creation, one of ZENDATA’s core values has been training and raising awareness of cyber risks. Thanks to Groupe Mutuel, Nous Production and RTS, we have created a micro TV series that explains and illustrates cyber risks with precision and humor.

We’re not only extremely proud of the result but also of having been able to reach tens of thousands of people on a subject so close to our hearts.


Phishing is a form of digital psychological manipulation used for scamming purposes; its modus operandi is to convince the recipient of an email that the sender is trustworthy, with the ultimate aim of extracting personal information. Learn here how to protect yourself against phishing.


The common denominator of online scams, also commonly referred to as scamming, is the demand for advance payment from a victim, for whatever reason. Contact is often made by email, but also via chat portals such as Messenger, social networks, dating sites, online real estate and used car sales sites, as well as job search sites. Learn here how to protect yourself from online scams.


Identity theft is when a hacker poses as a trusted person or company by e-mail, with the aim of deceiving you, and ultimately stealing your passwords and personal data. Learn here how to protect yourself from identity theft.


When we send an e-mail, visit a website, make online payments or share a WhatsApp message, our devices exchange information across the Internet. When passing through wifi signals, routers or servers, this data can be intercepted and modified by a malicious person: we call this a Man in the Middle attack. Learn here how to protect yourself from a man in the middle attack.



The Brute Force attack is a method used in cryptanalysis to find a password or key by testing, one by one, all possible combinations. This method is generally considered the most feasible, as it can break any password in a finite amount of time, regardless of the protection used, but the time increases with the length of the password. Learn here how to protect yourself against Brute Force attacks.


20 years ago, the USB port was created to transfer data, not to charge devices. Even today, when you connect your smartphone or tablet to a USB port, data can be transferred unbeknownst to you, along with the electrical current. Every time you charge the batteries of your devices at an unfamiliar USB port, you run the risk of malware infection or data theft. Learn here how to protect yourself from USB ports and memory sticks.


Many hackers, when they succeed in hacking your computers, try to use them to spy on you, particularly via your camera or microphone. Whether it’s to monetize the information acquired, conduct industrial espionage, monitor a person or for some other perverse purpose, hackers use the peripherals of our devices to steal information in the real world. Learn here how to protect yourself from the microphones and cameras on your computers and smartphones.


Web browsers or software can have security holes in their programs, and it’s this vulnerability that hackers are constantly trying to exploit; and when they do, it’s always partly at the expense of the user, especially those who haven’t updated their software. Learn here how to reduce your vulnerability to hackers.


Malware, more commonly known as viruses, is malicious code designed to abuse your computer or smartphone. There are several types, including spyware, Trojans and ransomware. In many cases, malware is not looking for your files, but rather your browsing history and all the information that goes with it, such as your online banking details. Learn how to protect yourself from malware here.



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